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Interactive Voice Response

Professional Hosted IVR Development (Call Center)

Tycto Infocom is a company based on Interactive Voice Response (IVR), we know the importance of communication techniques in business growth. We provide you with IVR services in India so that you can take care of the needs of the international market.

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Why you need Interactive Voice Response for your business ?

While this is not a new tool, it is speculative, categorized and customized SMS services that will give you the assurance that this tool is your resource in the corporate world. Now you can adjust any of your extensions to any of your mobile numbers
Your customers can access your sales extension even if your sales capacity goes down. Moreover, it is very easy to use. It has an easy-to-use web interface that allows the client to both monitors and configures its incoming traffic with just a few clicks of the mouse. So take advantage of our IVR services and greet your loyal customers with a welcome message recorded in a professional welcome message. Even if your business is small, it will make it look bigger. Greetings that often touch our hearts.